Updated for the Ascending Tide DLC

Remember to treat this as a base to work from…
Always adjust as needed for your specific situation!


the build basics


top races

  • This is just from a pure damage standpoint

  • Other racial passives may be beneficial even if not for damage

    • Ex: Imperials’ 2000 Health plus 6% Cost Reduction

  • Really any race is fine for all levels of content as a DPS


mundus stone

  • The Thief is generally the strongest for PvE

  • The Lover can be okay situationally if you are hurting for penetration



  • Single-Stat “Stamina-only” or “Magicka-only” are the strongest for DPS if you don’t need the health or sustain

  • I’d usually recommend Bi-Stat over those in that situation as you only lose 1k resource but gain 5400 health

  • Health + Main Resource + Recovery are okay compromises if you need well rounded stats

  • Stat + Primary Resource Recovery is great damage and sustain if you don’t mind missing the health

  • Stat + Off Resource Recovery is great if you need help with your off-resource and don’t mind missing health

  • Tri-stat or Max Mag + Max Stam can work for either Mag stacking or Stam stacking setups



  • The Essence of Spell Power potions are highly recommended if you aren’t getting your Sorcery/Prophecy buffs from skills and you need the Magicka return

  • Make sure to run Spell Damage Glyphs on your jewelry with these regardless of whether you stack Stamina or Magicka

  • The Essence of Weapon Power potions are highly recommended if you aren’t getting your Brutality/Savagery buffs from skills and you need the Stamina return

  • Make sure to run Weapon Damage Glyphs on your jewelry with these regardless of whether you stack Stamina or Magicka

  • If you already have your Major Crit Chance Buffs and Major Weapon/Spell Damage Buffs you can run Tri-pots or Heroism Pots to help with sustaining both your Magicka and Stamina

  • Heroism ingredients are a bit expensive but can be nice to squeeze out more Ultimates


champion points

  • Fighting Finesse > Backstabber if you can’t flank

  • Fighting Finesse > Thaumaturge if you are under the crit dmg cap

    • Thaumaturge can sometimes still better than Fighting Finesse even if under the cap depending on your skill layout

  • Biting Aura > Backstabber if you are well over the crit dmg cap


gear / skills / rotations



  • The Harpooner’s Wading Kilt with a 1pc Slimecraw will generally be a slight DPS improvement over a Monster Set when the fight allows for it

  • Daggers are highly recommended over an Inferno Staff front bar whenever you can be in melee for the full fight

  • Light Armor pieces will be stronger where slottable if under the penetration cap, otherwise Medium Armor pieces are stronger

  • This setup is very versatile as you can really customize the light vs medium pieces to your exact needs

  • This setup is more for if you want to change your load outs for different encounters

  • If you prefer 1 setup throughout an encounter, I’d go with an AoE heavy version of the Boss Skills

  • These are just a few possible openings you could go with for a staff on the backbar, depending on your skill layout

  • These are just a few possible openings you could go with for a Two Handed weapon on the backbar, depending on your skill layout


Thanks for stopping by

Thanks to UESP.net as well for the great tools for some of the screenshots